Our annual Panorama practice sessions begins on January 05, 2015  at 7pm, at the birdsong Panyard, Corner Connell & St. Vincent Streets, Tunapuna. 

birdsong's panorama practice will begin in January 2015, at the Panyard. Our practice session is in preparation for the annual National Panorama competition to be held on January 31st, 2015 to February 12,2015, on the grounds of the Queen's Park Savannah. birdsong,among other Steelbands will compete in the many Panorama competitions available, including National Panorma.

We are inviting all individuals to come and become a Steelband member for this competition. The rehearsals will be held at the our Panyard under the guidance of arranger, Andy Narrell. 

birdsong will be playing the tune "Pan Magic" for 2015, composed by Nylon Manswell. Pan Magic  though recently published is making waves on our YouTube channel. Pan Magic is a simple and catchy tune that you are sure to love.

Charts are now available. Get one by contacting Marvin Walker via email ingwalk1@gmail.com. 

You don't want to miss out on this opportunity. We have 51 players already signed on from Europe and Australia.  Sign up today !